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President Kuo Wishes Exchange Students a Nice Learning Journey at NCUE


On the first day of this semester, the Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs (OICA) organized a welcome reception for all international exchange students. President Yen-Kuang Kuo encouraged the students to travel around to better understand Taiwan. He also expressed his wish that they have a nice learning experience in Taiwan. He added that they are always welcome to contact the OICA whenever they are in need.


On behalf of the NCUE, President Kuo extended a warm welcome to the students and wished them a great time at NCUE. He also encouraged the students to travel around during their studies in Taiwan to experience the local culture. He stated that it takes time to adapt to a new environment, so they are always welcome to contact the NCUE to get necessary support and assistance.


The OICA played a video sharing former exchange students’ experience which resonated with the students at the reception. Then the OICA, the Office of Academic Affairs and the Office of Student Affairs illustrated some points to help students acclimatize NCUE’s living and learning community and provided more detailed information about Taiwan’s culture, hoping that they have a good start with their studies in Taiwan.




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