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NCUE Ranked 11th in Top Taiwan's Universities for Humanities and Social Sciences


According to the 2022 Best Universities Rankings in Taiwan published by the Global Views Magazine (GVM), NCUE is ranked 11th in Taiwan among universities for humanities and social sciences, second only to National Taiwan Normal University among normal universities, and seventh among national universities.

GVM's Best University Rankings evaluated colleges and universities with more than 3,000 students and 150 Assistant Professors or above. These numbers are regarded as the basis for the sustainability of a university's operations. In 2022, of the 133 colleges and universities in Taiwan, only 89 of them were selected for the rankings.

GVM's Best Universities Rankings optimizes indicators every year to accurately reflect the trends in Taiwan's and global talent development in the fields of the reduction of carbon dioxide emission, the "Bilingual Nation 2030” policy, science and technology, etc. This year, the top 30 rankings in each of five categories were made based on 44 indicators from six aspects by using GVM's surveys, government public information, the Scopus database of Elsevier, and the SciVal research analytic system, allowing the universities to identify their competitive positions.

In the 2022 Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings, which assessed 1,406 universities from 106 different countries/regions, NCUE has advanced to places 301-400 globally, 10th in Taiwan and 7th among national universities.






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