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Gender Equality (SDG 5)

Number of students starting a first degree

Number of first generation students starting a first degree

Number of women starting a first degree

Number of first generation women starting a first degree


Access measures

Does your university as a body systematically measure/track women’s application rate, acceptance/entry rate and study completion rate at the university?

Our approach(sdg05-01)


Does your university as a body have a policy (e.g. an Access and Participation plan) addressing women’s applications, acceptance/entry, and participation at the university?

Policy created (yyyy)

Policy reviewed (yyyy)

Our approach(SDG05-02)


Does your university as a body provide women’s access schemes (e.g. mentoring, scholarships, or targeted support)?

Our approach(SDG05-03)


Does your university as a body encourage applications by women in subjects where they are underrepresented?

Our approach(SDG05-04)


Number of senior academic staff

Number of female senior academic staff

Number of first degree graduates by subject area

Number of first degree graduates: STEM

Number of first degree graduates: Medicine

Number of first degree graduates: Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences

Number of female first degree graduates by subject area

Number of female first degree graduates: STEM

Number of female first degree graduates: Medicine

Number of female first degree graduates: Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences



Does your university as a body have a policy of non-discrimination against women?

Policy created (yyyy)

Policy reviewed (yyyy)

Our approach(SDG05-05)


Does your university as a body have a policy of non-discrimination for transgender people?

Policy created (yyyy)

Policy reviewed (yyyy)

Our approach(SDG05-06)


Does your university as a body have a maternity and paternity policies that support women’s participation?

Policy created (yyyy)

Policy reviewed (yyyy)

Our approach(SDG05-07)


Does your university as a body have accessible childcare facilities for students which allow recent mothers to attend university courses?

Our approach(SDG05-08)


Does your university as a body have childcare facilities for staff and faculty?

Our approach(SDG05-09)


Does your university as a body have women’s mentoring schemes, in which at least 10% of female students participate?


Does your university as a body have measurement/tracking of women’s likelihood of graduating compared to men’s, and schemes in place to close any gap?

Our approach(SDG05-08)


Does your university as a body have a policy that protects those reporting discrimination from educational or employment disadvantage?

Policy created (yyyy)

Policy reviewed (yyyy)

Our approach(SDG05-08)