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Does your university as a body deliver outreach programmes and projects in the local community (which can include student volunteering programmes) to improve or promote health & wellbeing including hygiene, nutrition, family planning, sports, exercise, aging well, and other health and wellbeing related topics?

Our university has a school health committee to promote school health education and provide a high-quality learning environment. It plans school environmental health management, health care services, and other activities, and coordinates with the relevant government agencies and organisations to jointly promote school health issues in the hope of achieving the goal of ‘health is physical health, mental health, social adaptation, and moral health’.

1. Strengthen food hygiene and safety, and create a good dining environment

The university restaurant offers healthy and delicious meals for teachers, students, and the community, with buffets and varied meals. In order that teachers, students, and the community enjoy nutritious and clean catering services, we actively guide the catering operators in our university regarding safe and healthy dining and food preparation environments. Food is prepared in accordance with the government’s ‘Five Links of Food Safety’ policy, and local, traceable fresh ingredients. Each academic year we conduct educational trainings and hold lectures on nutrition in the hope that our university restaurant is not just a place to dine, but also a good place for teachers, students and the community to communicate with each other!

2. Impart sports and exercise education activities to improve community health through multiple dimensions

In addition to providing sports and exercise education courses, our university also provides the public community with the following activities: Health-maintaining tai chi, aerobic muscle endurance training, regular gymnastics, and so on. It is hoped that the courses and activities will improve cardiopulmonary and muscle fitness, metabolism of cells in the body, metabolism of adipose tissue, production of natural antioxidants and psychological well-being, and reduce stress, thereby improving the health of teachers, students, and the community.

3. Ensure a smoke-free campus environment

Our university covers a wide area and is an open campus. It also serves as a good recreation space for visitors from everywhere and residents of nearby communities. We regularly review the cleanliness of the campus, disinfect the environment, prune the plants, and provide detergent and hand wash equipment in the restrooms to prevent the spread of diseases. At the same time, in order to create a campus that promotes health, smoking is completely banned on the premises, thus providing a fresh, healthy, high-quality learning environment.

4. Conduct health-promoting seminars to improve health awareness

In order to enable students to develop correct concepts of health education and to prevent diseases, our university holds educational lectures on different health topics every semester. The content is brilliant and often attracts participation from residents of neighbouring communities. With the goal of a reassuring workplace, to improve faculty and staff first-aid skills and ability to respond to contingencies, we actively carry out first-aid training. In response to the high-pressure work and academic schedules of modern people, we plan to develop learning courses on topics such as pressure relief, health care, and development of healthy lifestyles to strive for holistic health.

5. Facilitate prevention and management of diseases to improve health care competencies

To enhance the health care of teachers and staff, occupational safety medical staff from the university implement programmes related to occupational disease prevention, health management, and health promotion. There are also 30 ‘blood pressure measurement stations’ on campus, where teachers, students, and the community can conveniently measure blood pressure and develop a habit of regularly measuring blood pressure, so as to enhance self-health management and raise awareness of self-health care.

II. Our university’s Consultation and Guidance Centre, in addition to strengthening our university’s three-level prevention work, works with the Central Region College and University Counselling and Coordination Centre and the Ministry of Education to implement policies and conduct relevant seminars and training activities for professional counsellors. This includes case studies, group supervision, education and training, and thematic seminars. Through ability-enhancing trainings, professionals not only improve the quality of their work, but also learn to take care of themselves.

III. In order to encourage female teachers, staff, and students of our university to continue breastfeeding after delivery, and in line with the spirit of the country’s breastfeeding policy outlined in the Act of Gender Equality in Employment, and the Gender Equality Education Law, we provide breastfeeding rooms for teachers, staff, students and the community.



Dining area Non-smoking campus environment

Aerobic endurance training Nursing room