Does your university as a body promote or allow telecommuting or remote working for employees as a matter of policy or standard practice, and/or offer a condensed working week to reduce employee commuting?
According to the document issued by the Directorate-General of Personnel Administration of the Executive Yuan on 14 January 2012 (no. DGPA Kao Tzu No. 1000021834), in consideration of the development of online social information and globalization, government agencies need to grasp important information at home and abroad, such as the popularity of the internet. To respond to the needs of public opinion, the government must maintain its normal operation.
For those who need to perform such special work in the organization, all agencies can adjust their office hours according to the actual needs without violating the principle of the above regulations.
Those approved by their superiors for a specific job or a business trip may leave the office and perform official duties in the appropriate premises.
For the office hours of public servants, Article 2 of the implementation measures of two holidays per week for public servants clearly states that public servants work 8 hours a day, and the total number of hours of work per week is 40 hours. Each agency (institution) can adjust the office hours flexibly according to the actual needs of the business without affecting the public’s consultation, reducing administrative efficiency, and changing the number of days of work per week or the number of work hours per day.
According to above, it is not necessary for each member to have a fixed working schedule. Considering that remote commuter employees are subject to traffic jams during the peak hours of commuting, our university adopts flexible working hours (with 30 flexible minutes).