Does your university as a body provide students access to free sexual and reproductive health-care services including information and education services?
Our university effectively integrates resources related to domestic sexual education and the prevention of and education on AIDS. We help to prevent students from contracting HIV, enhance the understanding of campus sex education, create awareness on prevention of AIDS among college and university teachers and students, and actively promote safe sex behaviour and sex education health care services.
I. Our university provides the following free safe sex behaviour and sex education health care services:
(1) Promotion of safe sex behaviour
(2) Promotion of proper use of condoms
(3) Setting up of special areas to provide free condoms and health education
(4) Provision of breastfeeding rooms for women
(5) Implementation of a maternal protection plan
II. Our university plans a series of gender equality education activities every academic year. The themes include emotional education, prevention of sexual bullying, sex education, and multi-sex understanding. They are held in the form of lectures, workshops, and film appreciation activities, and lead students to explore relevant topics in depth through activities. They guide students to think about their own notions about interactions between self and others, break gender stereotypes, and establish a friendly campus environment.
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