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Does your university as a body recognise unions & labour rights (freedom of association & collective bargaining) for all, including women & international staff?

In accordance with the regulations of the ‘Labour Union Act’ and the ‘Civil Servant Association Act’, all faculty staff are entitled to the freedom of association and collective agreement. The relevant regulations are as follows:

(1) ‘Labour Union Act’ stipulates the following:

Article 1. This Act is enacted to promote solidarity of workers, enhance their status, and improve their livelihood.

Article 4. All workers shall have the right to organise and join labour unions. Military personnel in service and employees in the munitions industry, which is affiliated with and supervised by the Ministry of National Defense, shall not organise labour unions. The scope of munitions industry shall be determined by the central competent authority together with the Ministry of National Defense. Teachers may organise and join labour unions in accordance with the Act. Association and organisation of civil servants at all levels of governments and public schools shall be governed by other applicable statutes.

(2) ‘Civil Servant Association Act’ stipulates the following:

Article 1. In order to strengthen service to society, raise productivity, safeguard rights and interests, improve work conditions, and facilitate fellowship and cooperation, the association of civil service organisations is permitted. The organisation, management, and activities of civil service organisations shall follow the provisions of this Act; where not stipulated in this Act, the regulations of the Civil Law governing legal persons shall apply.

Article 2. The term ‘civil servants’ in this Act shall refer to personnel employed in salaried positions provided by organic laws and regulations at government agencies, public schools, and state-owned enterprises (hereunder referred to as ‘agencies’) at all levels.

The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not include the following personnel:

1.  Political appointees.

2.  Chief administrators and deputy chiefs of government agencies and public schools at all levels.

3.  Public school teachers.

4.  Personnel other than those responsible for primary policy-making over operation strategy at assorted ventures operated by governments at all levels.

5.  Military personnel.
