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Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8)

Employment practice


Does your university as a body pay all staff and faculty at least the living wage, defined as the local “living wage” (if government defines this) or the local poverty indicator for a family of four (expressed as an hourly wage)?

Our approach(SDG08-01)


Does your university as a body recognise unions & labour rights (freedom of association & collective bargaining) for all, including women & international staff?

Our approach(SDG08-02)


Does your university as a body have a policy on discrimination in the workplace (including discrimination based on religion, sexuality, gender, age)?

Policy created (yyyy)

Policy reviewed (yyyy)

Our approach(SDG08-03)


Does your university as a body have a policy commitment to no forced labour, no modern slavery and no human trafficking, and no child labour?

Policy created (yyyy)

Policy reviewed (yyyy)

Our approach(SDG08-04)


Does your university as a body have a policy on guaranteeing equivalent rights of workers if/when outsourcing activities to third parties?

Policy created (yyyy)

Policy reviewed (yyyy)

Our approach(SDG08-05)


Does your university as a body have a policy on pay scale equity including a commitment to measurement and elimination of gender pay gaps?

Policy created (yyyy)

Policy reviewed (yyyy)

Our approach(SDG08-06)


Does your university as a body measure/track pay scale gender equity?

Our approach(SDG08-07)


Does your university as a body have a process for employees to appeal on employee rights and/or pay?

Our approach(SDG08-08)


Number of employees             786          

Number of academic staff          436


University expenditure      NT$1709195920 

Number of students    6882  

Number of students with work placements for more than a month   186

Number of employees on contracts of over 24 months             662