Does your university as a body have a policy commitment to no forced labour, no modern slavery and no human trafficking, and no child labour?
- The Government of Taiwan has formulated the Human Trafficking Prevention Act to prevent human trafficking and safeguard the rights of victims. In compliance with the Act, the University is committed to not participate in forced labour, modern slavery or any practice of human trafficking.
- Article 44 of the Labour Standards Act stipulates that a worker over fifteen years old but less than sixteen years old shall be considered as a child worker. Records show that the University has not employed any such worker.
Policy created (2009)
(1) Since the implementation announcement of the Human Trafficking Prevention Act on January 23, 2009 and the Labour Standards Act on July 30, 1984, the University has been in full compliance with the Acts.
(2) On January 17, 2009, the University formulated the ‘Regulations Governing Contract Employees of the National Changhua University of Education’ to protect the rights and obligations of workers .
Policy reviewed(2017)
On June 6, 2018, the University made amendments to Articles 9, 20, and 25 of the ‘Regulations Governing Contract Employees of the National Changhua University of Education’.