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Does your university as a body build new buildings to sustainable standards (if ‘yes’, are you following a national standard or body, e.g. the world green building council, that certifies it? Please indicate)?

Green building refers to considerations on construction technologies in respect of minimizing the consumption of earth resources and reducing energy use and waste production throughout a building’s life cycle, from building materials production to planning, design, construction, use, management, and demolition. The nine indicators of green buildings are greenery, water resources, water conservation, biodiversity, daily energy saving, carbon dioxide emission reduction, waste reduction, sewage and garbage improvement, and indoor environment.

In 2001, the Executive Yuan launched the ‘Green Building Promotion Program’. Beginning on 1 January 2002, all new buildings in the public sector that either were established by or received more than half of the subsidies from government agencies of the Republic of China, and with project cost exceeding NTD 50 million should first obtain a green building candidate certificate before proceeding to apply for a building permit. Green building has become the objective of a government policy. According to the regulations, public buildings should pass at least four indicators entailed in green buildings; among the indicators, the ‘daily energy saving’ and ‘water resources’ indicators must be met. In addition, the ‘greenery’ and ‘water conservation’ indicators should be included in the four indicators that are required for the construction of new buildings in the integral design of a building site within an urban planning area. Because of the large number of users, school buildings should also list the ‘sewage and garbage improvement’ indicator as among the indicators that must be achieved. The above five indicators are suggested for school building projects. Given the objective conditions permit, other indicators may also be considered as required. Without applying for the building permit, construction should still be designed in accordance with the principles of green buildings.

At present, our university’s new buildings are designed and constructed in accordance with the aforementioned criteria. The certificate is attached.


Green Procurement

  1. Description of status quo

1. At present, with the joint efforts of all green procurement account managers, the green procurement performance has maintained excellent results. In the future, our university will actively promote and prioritize the purchase of Green Mark-labelled products.

II. Our university’s green procurement performance in previous years is as follows:



1. In 2014:

2. 2015 YEAR      

3.2016 YEAR        


5.2018 YEAR

II. Characteristics

At the beginning of each year, the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan will announce the government agencies’ green procurement performance evaluation method for the year. As for the purchasers who do not purchase Green Mark-labelled products, it is necessary to explain the reasons; they may need to obtain approval from the head of the agency to purchase and declare. To improve administrative efficiency and simplify the review and approval processes of official documents, our university formulated the ‘Statement of Reasons for Not Procuring “Green Products” under the “Common Supply Contract”’ as follows:

III. Problems and difficulties

1. Budget: At present, some products with Green Mark generally cost more than those without the eco-label, forcing some teachers and units of our university to purchase non-eco-friendly products.


2. Product diversification: To date, 14 major categories and multiple choices of products are available for purchase; however, a small number of products still fails to meet the procurement needs of the teachers and units of our university.

IV. Strategy improvement

Our university should make great endeavour to educate our teachers and colleagues and establish the products’ best economic value rather than base purchases on the lowest price. The concept of product life cycle costing (including the cost of service life, use period, maintenance, and disposal, etc.) is supposed to be considered in an effort to reduce a more significant cost to the environment at large that arise from the subsequent treatment of non-eco-friendly products.

V. Conclusion

I. The consumption purpose of green procurement is ‘to reduce the use of natural resources and toxic substances and pollutant emissions while maintaining basic living needs and pursuing better quality of life; the ultimate goal is to develop consumption patterns without compromising future generations’ rights and interests’. Green consumption covers all aspects of life, ranging from food to clothing, housing, transportation, and recreation. Green procurement is the best tool for implementing green consumption. Purchasing products manufactured from recycled materials is a procurement behaviour that prioritizes the environmental aspect where purchased products produce minimal damage to the natural environment and human health.

II. Green procurement and consumption are a national campaign:

    1. The government plays a leading role in policies, laws and regulations, economic tools, information, and appraisal.

    2. Enterprises take on multiple roles, such as providers, investors, and consumers.

    3. Social groups act as advocates and supervisors.

    4. Academic and research institutions are technology providers.


    5. Green procurement and consumption are based on the strength of the public.