Does your university as a body inform and support local or regional government in local climate change disaster/risk early warning and monitoring?
Professor Wang Sufen from our university accepted subsidies from the Council of Agriculture of the Executive Yuan to implement the 2017 project titled ‘Evaluation of Soil and Water Resources Conservation and Ecological Service Benefits Impacted by Disasters’ (programme number: 2017 Nong Ke-17.1.2- Ke -a1(Z)).
The Department of Geography applied for the 2017 integrated programme of the Ministry of Science and Technology: ‘Construction of a Cross-Scale Social Impact Assessment System for Rainfall Hazards (3/3)’.
The Department of Geography holds the programme of the Ministry of Science and Technology: ‘Research on the Variation of Non-Typhoon Rainfall Characteristics in Taiwan 105-2111-M-018-001’.
Teacher Song Yuling from the Department of Geography of our university implemented the programme of the Ministry of Science and Technology: ‘The Construction of a Cross-Scale Social Impact Assessment System for Rainfall Hazards. An Analysis of Constructing Vulnerability Unit from the Perspective of Social Spatial Differences: Case Studies of Heavy Rainfall Hazards in Central Taiwan’ (II) (programme number: MOST 105-2627-M-018-002-).
On 1 June 2017, our university participated in the Changhua County government’s ‘2017 Review Meeting on the Implementation Protocol of the Entrusted Technical Service for the Overall Development of the Changhua Binhai Industrial Zone Development Project (including Commissioned Measurement, Design, and Supervision)’.