Does your university as a body provide a neutral platform and ‘safe’ space for different political stakeholders to come together to frankly discuss challenges?
Our university’s website has a public information section, which includes relevant laws and regulations of our university’s internal and external relations. These laws and regulations are made public in accordance with the government rules. In addition, the homepage displays the president’s email address, and each unit’s website shows the staff members’ job responsibilities and email addresses, providing a venue for consultation and options for sending in ideas and suggestions.
Important information on school affair management is made public
(1) Our university website’s homepage includes ‘Campus Headline’ and an ‘Information Disclosure Section’ to immediately announce the important activities and messages of our university. ( (
(2) The Accounting Office’s home page contains an information disclosure section to provide information on our university’s school affair funds and budgets, income and expenditure, and final account execution. (
(3) The Research Center for School Affairs of NCUE establishes a cloud school information platform for searching our university’s information on student learning and teacher research energy and internationalization. (
(4) The Committee of Student Appeals installs a single window as Student Assistance Division; each year, it advertises the units for student complaint submission through the ‘Freshmen Navigation Website’ and is explicitly listed on the Student Complaints Section of Student Assistance Division website. In addition, student complaints handling methods, appeals, withdrawal statements, and standard operating procedures are also publicly placed on the Student Complaints section website. (