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Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG 7)

Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG 7)
University Measures
Does your university as a body have a policy in place for ensuring all renovations / new builds are following energy efficiency standards? (relevant standards to be indicated)
Policy created (yyyy)
Policy reviewed (yyyy)
1. Technical specifications of air-conditioning equipment have been updated to stipulate the procurement of equipment with an energy efficiency grade of N or higher.
2. Water equipment shall be affixed with water-saving labels.
3. The procurement of electrical equipment (e.g. transformers) shall prioritize eco-friendly, energy-saving, and high-efficiency equipment.

Does your university as a body have plans to upgrade existing buildings to higher energy efficiency?

At present, the University takes it as its top priority to align with national energy conservation policies, replacing non-compliant equipment on a regular and annual basis. The relevant standards shall be reviewed and updated depending on the availability of additional funding.

Does your university as a body have a process for carbon management and reducing carbon dioxide emissions?
The University is committed to regulating the overall consumption of water, electricity, paper, and fuel, to lower carbon dioxide emissions through reduced consumption. A Smart Energy Centre has also been established to undertake research projects on energy conservation in partnership with Ørsted A/S.

Does your university as a body have an energy efficiency plan in place to reduce overall energy consumption?
In accordance with government projects on energy conservation, the University strives towards the goal of reducing the annual electricity consumption by 1% through reviewing and replacing high energy-consuming equipment annually.

Does your university as a body undergo energy reviews to identify areas where energy wastage is highest?
Research has shown that the most electricity-consuming equipment in the campus is air-conditioning, followed by lighting systems. Solutions are devised to improve the most electricity-consuming aspects, including the setting of timer switches, manual controls and checks, public announcements and promotions, announcements through students, and access to special data. These solutions aim at reducing energy wastage and fulfilling the sustainable development goals.

Does your university as a body have a policy on divesting investments from carbon-intensive energy industries especially coal and oil?
In accordance with the investment-related resolutions passed by the University Fund Investment Committee and the sustainable development indicators, the University has refrained from investing in coal- and oil-related industries. Should such investment opportunities arise in the future, the Office of Research and Development will advise against investment according to the sustainable development indicators and urge divestment if investments are already made.
Policy created (yyyy)
Policy reviewed (yyyy)

Energy use density
Total energy used
Jin-De Campus and Bao-Shan Campus have an electricity contract capacity of 3000 KW and 835 KW, respectively. (Construction and Maintenance Section)

University floor space
516,771.19 square meters (51.677119 hectares)

Energy and the community
Does your university as a body provide programmes for local community to learn about importance of energy efficiency and clean energy?
The University established the Ørsted A/S–NCUE Smart Energy Centre in 2019, employing the 1 MW battery energy storage system (BESS), courtesy of Ørsted A/S, as an important base for domestic research and the promotion and application of green energy technologies.

Does your university as a body promote a pledge toward 100% renewable energy (petitions, meetings, discussions, events)?
The missions of the Ørsted A/S–NCUE Smart Energy Centre are to develop actively smart energy-related programmes, improve the quality of domestic talents in basic research and the development of smart energy, and promote sustainable development curricula with the Environmental Education Centre and Science Education Centre. The Ørsted A/S–NCUE Smart Energy Centre endeavours to improve and advance its commitment to renewable energy through education.
Apart from establishing the Smart Energy Centre, the University also aligns its policies with the Executive Yuan’s ‘four conservations’ (water, electricity, paper, and fuel conservation) initiative, striding vigorously towards 100% renewable energy.

Does your university as a body provide direct services to local industry aimed at improving energy efficiency and clean energy (energy efficiency assessments, workshops, research renewable energy options)
The Ørsted A/S–NCUE Smart Energy Centre offers training to current students and working members of the public through organizing technical education and training for the public and promoting and holding a variety of smart energy-related activities, projects, and seminars.
The University also partakes in an energy storage initiative to boost the energy efficiency of local industries and cooperate with manufacturers in providing services related to high-efficiency and clean energy, such as wind power and electricity storage.

Does your university as a body inform and support government in clean energy and energy-efficient technology policy development?
Another mission of the Ørsted A/S–NCUE Smart Energy Centre is to promote and pitch various projects, including commissioned and collaborative projects with government agencies like the Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry of Education. It is also committed to providing technical services.

Does your university as a body provide assistance for start-ups that foster and support a low-carbon economy/technology?
The Ørsted A/S–NCUE Smart Energy Centre also aims to promote and pitch commissioned and collaborative projects with industrial partners and to provide technical services. (College of Engineering)
The University’s Innovation Incubation Centre is committed to offering technical support for low-carbon industries, helping manufacturers obtain government subsidies for research and development, advancing industrial cooperation in the Taichung–Changhua–Nantou Region, and extending the benefits of counselling.
Achievements: According to statistics, the Centre enlisted the support of 40 government subsidy schemes from 2013 to October 2019; in particular, five Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) projects were approved in 2019, which entitled manufacturers to a total of TWD 4.3 million in government subsidies.
One of the Centre’s incubated manufacturers, D-Carbon Technology Co., Ltd., was founded in 2011. Its main businesses involve the planning and installation of solar power generation systems, industrial robots, and automated equipment. It is committed to energy conservation and carbon reduction, focusing its development on the realization of a low-carbon society, low-carbon living, carbon management, and carbon neutrality. By combining the limitless potential of solar power with technologies and providing clientele with safe and reliable products, it aims to co-create a future of sustainable development with its clients. Given the increase in industrial demand, small- and medium-sized enterprises in Taiwan are concentrated mostly in labour-intensive processing sectors. Driven by problems such as shortage in personnel and inadequate quality control in the assembly line, they are progressing towards manufacturing automation. In 2019, Professor Chen Ming-Fei from the Department of Mechatronics Engineering served as a counsellor in business transformation. He undertook the research and development of a low-cost robotic arm integrated with smart image positioning and invented a smart automated manufacturing device to overcome the personnel shortage and improve the output and defect-free rates. His project (titled ‘The Application of Imaging System for Repeatability Improvement of Six-Axis Robotic Arm’) was approved by a centralized SBIR subsidy scheme in 2019.