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President - Mr. Chen


Dr. Ming-Fei Chen
Professor of Department of Mechatronics Engineering
TEL.: 04-7232105 ext. 1003
E-mail: chenmf@cc.ncue.edu.tw

● Education

        ○ PH.D., Institute of Fluid Power Transmission and Control, RWTH Aachen University, Germany

        ○ M.S., Graduate Institute of Engineering Technology, National Taiwan Institute of Technology

        ○ B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan Institute of Technology

● Background

        ○  Professor of Department of Electrical Engineering, NCUE  

        ○  Dean, College of Engineering, NCUE

        ○  Dean, Office of General Affairs, NCUE

        ○  Chair, Department of Electrical Engineering, NCUE

        ○  Associate Professor of Department of Mechanical Engineering, NCUE

        ○ Director, Precise Calibration Center, NCUE

        ○ Executive Secretary of Innovation and Incubation Center, NCUE

        ○ Associate professor of Department of Industrial Education and Technology, NCUE

        ○ Associate professor at Dayeh University

        ○ Instructor at National Sun Yeh-sen University

        ○ Researcher of Science and Technology Advisory Office, Ministry of Economic Affairs

        ○ Research Assistant of Institute of Nuclear Energy Research of Atomic Energy Council, Executive Yuan