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Does your university as a body have a process for employees to appeal on employee rights and/or pay?

The following outlines the appeal channels and relevant regulations for the faculty members, staff, and contract employees of the University according to different roles and protected rights:

(1) To protect the appeal rights of teachers, Article 29 of the Teachers’ Act stipulates that: ‘When a teacher considers the measures taken against him/ her by the competent educational authority or the University illegal or inappropriate, and so his/her rights are being violated, he/ she can appeal to the Teachers’ Appeal Review Committee at all levels’. The University has established the Teachers’ Appeal Review Committee to protect the appeal rights of the teachers.

(2) To protect the appeal rights of civil servants, the University is in full compliance with the Civil Service Protection Act and Civil Service Protection and Training Commission Incident Review Regulations.

(3) To protect the appeal rights of those applicable to the Labour Standards Act:

To protect the rights of its employees, the University complies with Article 13 of the Regulations for Implementing Labour-Management Meeting enacted by the Ministry of Labour with regard to the matters discussed in the agenda of the labour-management meeting:

(1) Improvement of labour-management relations and cooperation.

(2) Labour conditions.

(3) Employee welfare planning.

(4) Enhancement of work efficiency.

(5) Matters concerning the election, designation and dismissal of representatives of labour-management meeting as such.

(6) Matters concerning the labour-management meeting operation.

(7) Other matters.

As such, University staff protected by the Labour Standards Act may appeal to the local labour bureau or request for mediation in accordance with the Act for Settlement of Labour-Management Disputes issued by the Ministry of Labour. They may also send for a representative to discuss with the representative of the management (the University) on matters for improvement through labour-management meetings (held once every three months) to protect their rights .

Teachers’ Appeals and Protection


Civil Servants’ Appeals and Protection


Workers’ Appeals
