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Does your university as a body have a diversity and equality committee, office and/or officer (or the equivalent) tasked by the administration or governing body to advise on and implement policies, programmes, and trainings related to diversity, equity, inclusion and human rights on campus?

Our university has a Gender Equality Education Committee with the following tasks:

1. Integrate the relevant resources of all units in our university, draw up the implementation plan for gender equality education, and implement and review the implementation results.

2. Plan or conduct activities related to gender equality education for students, staff, and parents.

3. Develop and promote the curriculum, teaching, and evaluation of gender equality education.

4. Develop regulations on the implementation of gender equality education and on the prevention and handling of sexual assault and sexual harassment on campus, establish mechanisms, and coordinate and integrate relevant resources.

5. Plan and establish a safe campus environment for gender equality.

6. Promote family education and social education on gender equality in the community.

7. Investigate and deal with cases related to the Gender Equality Education Act.

8. Perform tasks in other matters related to gender equality education in our university or in the community.

9. Support personnel units in handling cases related to the Act of Gender Equality in Employment and Sexual Harassment Prevention Act.
