Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10)
Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10)
Number of students starting a first degree 1089(2017)、1229(2018)
Number of first generation students starting a first degree 369(2017)、490(2018)
Number of first degree students 1124(2017)、1117(2018)
Number of first degree international students from developing countries 245(2017)、147(2018)
The number of first degree international students from developing countries in 2018 academic year at NCUE:
Country/Area |
2018 Academic Year |
Malaysia |
116 |
China |
19 |
Vietnam |
6 |
Indonesia |
4 |
Myanmar |
1 |
Philippines |
1 |
Total |
147 |
Record date set by MOE: Oct. 15, 2018
National rate of disability 4.95
Percent of students with disabilities 0.88(2017)、0.8%(2018)
Percent of employees with disabilities
Access to university
Does your university as a body have an admissions policy which is non-discriminatory or which details and explains the logic for any appropriate positive discrimination policies in admissions, which is publicly posted?
Policy created (yyyy) 2014
Policy reviewed (yyyy) 2015
Our approach(SDG10-01)
Does your university as a body measure/track applications & admissions of underrepresented (and potentially underrepresented) groups including ethnic minorities, low income students, non-traditional students, women, LGBT students, disabled students etc?
Our approach(SDG10-02)
Does your university as a body deliver programmes to recruit students/staff/faculty from under-represented groups?
Our approach(SDG10-03)
Does your university as a body have anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies?
Policy created (yyyy) 2005
Policy reviewed (yyyy) 2013
Our approach(SDG10-04)
Does your university as a body have a diversity and equality committee, office and/or officer (or the equivalent) tasked by the administration or governing body to advise on and implement policies, programmes, and trainings related to diversity, equity, inclusion and human rights on campus?
Our approach(SDG10-05)
Does your university as a body provide mentoring/counselling/peer support programmes to support students, staff, faculty from underrepresented groups?
Our approach(SDG10-06)
Does your university as a body provide cross-cultural training/awareness campaigns or education programmes?
Our approach(SDG10-07)
Does your university as a body provide support services for people with disabilities? (e.g. personal assistants, interpreters)
Our approach (SDG10-08)
Does your university as a body provide access schemes for people with disabilities?
Our approach (SDG10-09)
Does your university as a body have reasonable accommodation policy/strategy implemented, including adequately funded mechanism for persons with disability?
Our approach (SDG10-10)