Does your university as a body provide mentoring/counselling/peer support programmes to support students, staff, faculty from underrepresented groups?
Student part:
Counselling work is specially arranged in the learning process to provide more appropriate counselling, evaluation, and other services; to help students with mental and physical disabilities successfully complete their studies; and to enhance their emotional, learning, social, and professional adaptation. The contents of the work are as follows:
(1) General counselling
(2) Life counselling
(3) Academic Counselling Work (Supporting information: Introduction to Resource Classroom) Tracking Counselling Work
Faculty part:
To improve the work efficiency of faculty and staff, so that they can fully engage in work and stay healthy, our university has set up an EAP work plan that provides various assistance measures. Through cooperation with external professional consulting organizations, our university integrates internal and external professional resources and talents, improves its consulting service system, and provides relevant staff assistance services, including services in three major aspects, namely, work (organization management, crisis management, and career planning, etc.), living (tax, and financial management, etc.), and physical and mental health (psychology and health care, etc.).