Does your university as a body provide support services for people with disabilities? (e.g. personal assistants, interpreters)
I. Academic assistance
(1) Individual remedial teaching (challenging subjects)
The resource room targets subjects that are challenging for students with physical or mental disability, such as Psychological and Educational Measurement, English Language, and Statistics, and arranges peer mentors to help individual students progress.
(2) Measures regarding examination services (such as Brailling and enlarging question papers)
In accordance with the type and severity of a student’s disability, the resource room devises the ‘Special Examination Service Checklist’ to cater to the needs of teaching staff and students with physical or mental disability and provide appropriate assistance.
(3) Student worker- and volunteer-assisted education (such as read-alouds, audio-recording, Brailling, and note-taking)
The resource room assigns student workers and volunteers on regular shifts to read texts aloud, record classes, take notes, and transcribe materials into Braille for students with physical or mental disability. Dedicated student workers are also assigned to help them retrieve information and perform other tasks.
(4) Conversion of instructional materials
To help convert textbooks into Braille, enlarge fonts, and adapt written materials into digital format.
(5) Provision of borrowing assistive device upon application.
(6) Applications for special education scholarships and grants (administered by Office of Student Affairs) and scholarships and grants from external sources.
II. Daily life assistance
(1) Orientation and mobility training
This assists students with severe or complete visual impairment to quickly familiarise themselves with the campus. Orientation exercises are usually conducted with the aid of Taiwan Foundation for the Blind.
(2) Organising extra-curricular activities and social events
To allow students with special needs to befriend, get acquainted with, and support one another, the resource room organises activities, such as communal meals, off-campus visits, alumni sharing regarding civil service examinations, or teacher qualification examinations at the beginning and end of each semester.
(3) Organising student seminars
To enhance and understand students’ educational efficacy effectively, seminars for teacher-counsellors and students are held regularly at the resource room, where participants exchange their opinions and receive timely assistance.
(4) Psychological counselling (individual counselling and growth group)
The resource room helps students with physical or mental disability to deal with personal distress by referring them to the University’s Student Psychological Counselling and Guidance Centre for individual consultation and growth-group counselling.
(5) Assistance in arranging on-campus accommodation and transport.
(6) Contribution to improving the barrier-free environment.
III. Transition counselling
(1) Notification services for students’ transition.
(2) Notification and follow-up services for graduates’ transition.
In addition to the existing supportive measures, the University provides the staff with physical or mental disability with special support services on a case-by-case basis through co-ordinating with relevant units.
Does your university as a body provide support services for people with disabilities? (e.g. personal assistants, interpreters)
I. Academic assistance
(1) Individual remedial teaching (challenging subjects)
The resource room targets subjects that are challenging for students with physical or mental disability, such as Psychological and Educational Measurement, English Language, and Statistics, and arranges peer mentors to help individual students progress.
(2) Measures regarding examination services (such as Brailling and enlarging question papers)
In accordance with the type and severity of a student’s disability, the resource room devises the ‘Special Examination Service Checklist’ to cater to the needs of teaching staff and students with physical or mental disability and provide appropriate assistance.
(3) Student worker- and volunteer-assisted education (such as read-alouds, audio-recording, Brailling, and note-taking)
The resource room assigns student workers and volunteers on regular shifts to read texts aloud, record classes, take notes, and transcribe materials into Braille for students with physical or mental disability. Dedicated student workers are also assigned to help them retrieve information and perform other tasks.
(4) Conversion of instructional materials
To help convert textbooks into Braille, enlarge fonts, and adapt written materials into digital format.
(5) Provision of borrowing assistive device upon application.
(6) Applications for special education scholarships and grants (administered by Office of Student Affairs) and scholarships and grants from external sources.
II. Daily life assistance
(1) Orientation and mobility training
This assists students with severe or complete visual impairment to quickly familiarise themselves with the campus. Orientation exercises are usually conducted with the aid of Taiwan Foundation for the Blind.
(2) Organising extra-curricular activities and social events
To allow students with special needs to befriend, get acquainted with, and support one another, the resource room organises activities, such as communal meals, off-campus visits, alumni sharing regarding civil service examinations, or teacher qualification examinations at the beginning and end of each semester.
(3) Organising student seminars
To enhance and understand students’ educational efficacy effectively, seminars for teacher-counsellors and students are held regularly at the resource room, where participants exchange their opinions and receive timely assistance.
(4) Psychological counselling (individual counselling and growth group)
The resource room helps students with physical or mental disability to deal with personal distress by referring them to the University’s Student Psychological Counselling and Guidance Centre for individual consultation and growth-group counselling.
(5) Assistance in arranging on-campus accommodation and transport.
(6) Contribution to improving the barrier-free environment.
III. Transition counselling
(1) Notification services for students’ transition.
(2) Notification and follow-up services for graduates’ transition.
In addition to the existing supportive measures, the University provides the staff with physical or mental disability with special support services on a case-by-case basis through co-ordinating with relevant units.