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College of Technology


College of Technology  [web]

  The College of Technology is the first Institute of Vocational Education in Taiwan and the only one that trains vocational teachers. The college equips vocational middle and high school teachers with industrial and business expertise and also trains specialists in the fields of automatic controls, precision machinery, vehicle engineering, finance, and human resource. The college provides interdisciplinary courses, such as Intelligent Tool Machinery and Financial Certification, that are supported by teaching staff from various colleges and departments.
  The college aims to cultivate students’ core competencies, including vocational and educational knowledge, practical application, innovation, research, teamwork, ethics and responsibility and strives to offer customer-centered theoretical and practical courses, promote innovation, increase academic and industrial collaborations, develop assets in vocational education, strengthen teaching and research, and promote the international competitiveness of students and teachers.



Graduate Institute of Vehicle Engineering

1. In order to develop the vehicle novel technology and intelligent transportation systems the fundamental of electrical, electronics, information, and mechatronics technologies has been integrated.
2. Research group consists of the faculty members in many fields which are focused on the integration capability of electrical, electronics, information, and mechatronics technologies to improve the capability of system integration and technical development.
3. To cultivate specialists in specific technique and job competition by means of industrial collaboration related to vehicle technologies.
Tel:04-7232105 Ext. 7055


Department and Graduate Institute of Industrial Education & Technology  [web]

1. prepare highly developed technical and management professionals for various industries,
2. initiate related researches to meet the needs of national industry development, upgrade enterprise performance, and enhance national competitiveness,
3. prepare technical teachers for senior high schools,
4. prepare technical trainers for enterprises and vocational training centers, and
5. enhance related research outcomes.
Tel:04-7232105 Ext. 7205


Graduate Institute of Human Resource Management 

1.Specializing in human resource development and compesation management.
2.Researching business environments and business management.
3.Emphasizing the integration of academic theories and business practices.
4.Offering continuing education for human resource professionals.
Tel:04-7232105 Ext. 7905